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GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' (pamětník) (9.3.2025 8:51) reagovat
to nic, to je jen mládě, co nezažilo magnetofonový záznam...

GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' (Zahy2RP (9.3.2025 2:35) reagovat
JapaNaTo jsi si jistý?

GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' (JapaNaToRP (9.3.2025 1:35) reagovat
Ve vesmíru žádné zvuky nejsou. Zvuk se šíří jen v atmosféře.

GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' (popokatepetlové) (8.3.2025 22:58) reagovat

GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' GIF 'sounds of the magnetic field from space' (jt) (8.3.2025 22:45) reagovat
Jarre je ma lepsi...