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Nalezeno 5 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'This is how you get the girl' Video 'This is how you get the girl' (Daver) (3.4.2011 21:43) reagovat
Není to lepší, než všechny ty našlehaný mozky ? ;-)

Video 'This is how you get the girl' Video 'This is how you get the girl' (failboat croomembrRP (23.3.2011 7:35) reagovat
jo, chybi tam nakonec goatse :-D

Video 'This is how you get the girl' Video 'This is how you get the girl' (okam_z_brnaRP (22.3.2011 20:27) reagovat
na chatroulette? spis jsem cekal ze tam vyskoci nekdo, kdo si ho bude honit :D

Video 'This is how you get the girl' Video 'This is how you get the girl' (prtko) (20.3.2011 13:17) reagovat
cely cas som cakal ze nakoniec jej povie show me ur b00bs

Video 'This is how you get the girl' Video 'This is how you get the girl' (Mark2BTRP (20.3.2011 13:03) reagovat
Lovely. :)